This Is An


To Unexpected



 It’s a dangerous business, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off too.

Entering in a liminal space between the mundane and the sacred, the journey is an important way for laypeople to generate merit and deepen their connection to the Divine. 

” Whatever purifies you is the right path.” (Rumi)

Ah, my curious traveller, behold the ‘Camino Real’ – a beacon woven into your very own mystical odyssey. Join me as we traverse the realms of self-discovery and spiritual ascension. Through ancient traditions, sacred elixirs, high-vibration sustenance, and the wonders of modern marvels.

Guided by celestial whispers, our journey shall unfold. In the dance of your unpredictable sojourn, you shall awaken from slumber to realise your dormant potential. Harmoniously synchronised, we shall journey into dimensions untold, encountering profound revelations across worldly boundaries.

As a wanderer graced by years of traversing the globe, I shall gently lead you to confront your fears and abandon the familiar. By unveiling your hidden reservoir of strength and the eternal spark that resides within. The spiral path you tread signifies the cycles of growth, beckoning you to revisit and fathom past lessons, creating a symphony of understanding.

With each step towards enlightenment, fear not, for I am your unwavering companion. Whether in moments of silence or amidst trials, my presence shall embrace you, offering guidance or propelling you with a gentle nudge.

As our journey unfolds, the universe itself shall unfurl as your guide. An ethereal compass aligning you with cosmic energies to realise your destiny within the grand design. Embrace the whimsy and caprice of this expedition, knowing that I am steadfastly by your side, a guardian of possibilities.

Let it be known, dear seeker, my service is bound by no chains or expectations. I exist solely to propel your personal growth, a voyage towards limitless freedom. With valour and open-heartedness we can forge a profound link with the cosmos and channel your essence to serve, not just your existence but the tapestry of all life.

Step forward and embrace the ‘Camino Real,’ the Guiding Stone of our transformative escapade. Together, we shall unfurl the scroll of self-fulfilment, enlightenment and the profound purpose stitched into the grand fabric of existence itself.

Let's discuss the details about your next journey:

 +506 6085 0232


“There are people who appear randomly at an opportune moment on the path of life and become guides. They are able to take you on an andenture that looks more unusual and challenging then you have before. The rouitne tourist maps and online guides will not be able to display it, the points of such a route may not even be marked on maps. Absolem surprisingly accurately chooses the very route where is possible to face not only transitions through mountains and forests, characters, surprises, but above all with oneself. With the part that was still invisible. Isn’t that the essence of all travel for the true seeker? Manifestation of the route through the presence and following Absolem nearby on a journey in that manner that allows you to feel comfortable and confident in strange and new places. He can kindly remind that the journey, no matter how it unfolds, develops in the best possible way. Also there are places where it’s better to visit with a company that can not only provide support or help if it is needed, but asa well with his example to show that this can be overcome, and you are able to set a new personal record for inner strength. Grateful to recieve such a wise person during exploration of Mexico, what was truly transformational experince because of his guidance”. Lucy

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